Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Color

Angles of her drip in chance.

In times when love became romance.

Like sparks of flame which do entrance.

The color keeps her living.

A painted scene is given life

Beyond the toil and the strife.

As smooth as silks, cuts like a knife.

The color keeps him giving.

They fight and dance with wanton heart.

Why should they stay, but can they part?

Their fate was made before the start.

The colors keep them living.

Without the color they don’t flow.

They’re tied together this they know.

Their love and hate they purely show

Until the color just stops giving.

Her Flight

From night deep set

She rises high

And takes her flight with ease

When with the birds

She flies alight

Goes shifting through the breeze


Her terror and her

Beauty awe

For those that see and hear

With foaming mouth

And bright blue eyes

Her beauty we do fear


Her love seeks hard

To find her face

To dive right in and feel

The love she gives

With chilling arms

Is given, Oh so real


When some get lost

Deep in her grasp

Her blood seeps to their core

And dreaming comes

To lovers such

And stays forever more


“Please don’t seek me!

Please don’t love me!

Give up

On desire!

Stop your loving

Kills me quickly!

Quench your thirst

With fire!”


We never listen

To her songs

But find her loving arms

Then those whose love

She truly has

Is who she truly harms


From night deep set

She rises high

And takes her flight with ease

When with the birds

She flies alight

Goes shifting through the breeze