Saturday, September 25, 2010

Heaven's Just Around the Corner

I'm tired.

I want to be better.

Better at what?

At being me.

Why does there have to be a better you?

When did you find out you were broken?

I might have always been broken.

Maybe that is the way you are supposed to be.

What if it is?

Why do I feel so hurt sometimes, so incomplete?

Why do I feel like everyone is looking at me funny?

Maybe you're crazy.

Or maybe everyone else is.

When was the last time you cried?

Do you ever tell yourself "I love you"?

What if I don't?

Do you ever feel like your heart weighs a million pounds?

Like it is sinking in your chest.

Why do you feel that way?

I don't know, but it hurts,

More then a cut,

Or a bruise,

Or even a broken bone.

It's like I missed out on something in life,

And I will never get to do that one thing again.

What should I do with those feelings?

Push them deep inside?

What if they explode?

I don't know!

But I think that everybody feels like that sometimes.

You just have to learn to live with being imperfect.

Know that life is hell on earth sometimes,

But that heaven is just right around the corner.

Every person walking around you has the same kinds of thoughts,

and feels the same kinds of things.

If you could hear them you would know you weren't alone.

Everyone else is human too.

September 25th, 2008